We, the Brunettes, started with the ball. After preparing weeks in advance for the game, we were strong and united. Unfortunately, moments after the half dozen striped force blew their pieces, we were already in trouble.
Apparently, in women's flag football and/or charity football games, only light blocking is permitted. We had been instructed by our coach, Nick Primerano, to block heavily. This led to serious pushing, shoving, bruising and soon to occur: whining.
The lighter hair colored floozies instantly began "bitching" to the refs. "Did you see that, she was all over me?" was the one comment I heard from the girl I had just bulldozed to prevent her from removing my darling teammate Carrie's yellow flag.
I laughed and began asking the closest ref what was allowed and what was not. As I started to gesture a finger poking action toward the ref to see if it was permitted, my quarterback, Jen, told me to quiet down.
But instead of ignoring the referees' remarks, we instead capitalized on the Blonde team's eagerness to tattle on us by surprising them with a reverse play. Seconds later, our wide receiver or "TO" graciously ran the ball into the end zone (special shout out to Miss Hopp!).
We fooled them again later with a reverse play, and this time I am pleased to announce that I ran along the side of the fake out wide receiver, which provided me the opportunity to see the look on one of the albino's faces after she realized the girl's flag she
had just yanked belonged to a brunette without the ball. (Hilarity ensued.)
Yadda, yadda, yadda, the game ended in a draw.
Even with numbers up, a greater hold of our emotions;and a stronger offense lineup and organization of plays, we still tied.
I can't be too upset about the tie, even though I consider this a major loss for women with poop-colored hair, because in the end if was all for a good cause: the Alzheimer's Association of WNY. (Both teams raised over $15,000 for the organization- thanks ya'll).
The co-chairs, Tracey, Chrissy and Lorraine, did an awesome job organizing the Kelly-Brenda showdown and confirmed that this event will be held again in the years to come. Which is mad cool since it ruled--- despite my animosity toward the tie.
Here's a good pic of everyone at the end pretending like we all like each other-
Look for me creeping in the back fourth from the left.
The Buffalo Jills were there too to cheer for their respective hair

color and perform a border-line inappropriate half-time show, and the sell-out Wing King in left corner.
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